Getting enough funding for a normal school year is hard enough, but what about in the middle of a pandemic? This year our staff and students are facing a brand new way of learning that we never thought possible. Some schools are able to have students in the classroom again as long as everyone can follow the social distancing guidelines. Other schools have moved to remote learning. Teachers and students are meeting virtually for their lessons each day over Zoom, Skype, FaceTime, and other video chatting software. Some schools were already trying to get more into the digital age, but this year, we had no choice if we wanted our students to get a proper education. Now more than ever supporting your local school district is extremely important.
What kinds of goals are being set this year?
While the contributors understand that they’re donating to the school itself, they want to know the specifics about where the money is going. Some schools need new laptops or tablets for the kids, or new textbooks, cleaning supplies, and so much more. Every penny counts, and makes a difference toward a child’s education. While you may have an overall goal for your fundraiser, break it down into smaller chunks to help see that progress.
How do you get the word out there about the fundraising?
In our blog What Is “Touchless” Fundraising? we discussed some of the best ways to get your fundraiser out to the community while social distancing. Since so much of this year is digital, it’s even easier to get the information to parents who are able to keep an eye on their child’s progress with working remotely. You’re able to set up fundraisers like an online store, a raffle, an online gaming tournament, and more.
How can the students succeed?
Despite students’ educational careers being thrown for a loop this year, they’re still working hard to do their best. It’s only fair that we help them out as much as possible. Encourage them to get the information out there for the fundraiser. Set up rewards for them if they get a certain amount of people donating. Some of the incentives might be getting a gift card to their favorite place, getting a free pass on one small assignment, movie tickets, or anything else your school is willing to offer.
At Profits Plus Inc. we understand how much your school is adjusting to the new set up. Let us help you by making that transition a little easier. Contact us today!